402 The Art of the Walk Around 2 – Key Steps-Quiz

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You cannot pass this quiz without either attending this Live Webinar, or watching the replay.

Please register for this class now (if it is not yet scheduled, it will be soon). You may also check the replay page to see if it is available.


The purpose of this course is to show the associate the most impactful items to be included in a walk around and demonstrate example.

The student will learn the following impact items…

  • How to execute the best walk around on the drive
  • The most important items to be included in a walk around process
  • Why each of the items are included
  • A step-by-step demonstration of each item
  • The philosophy of each item included in the walk around

This class is designed for the following associates…Service Advisor, Service Manager, General Manager, Valet

The goal is for the student to see an increase in RO Sales, Customer Engagement and improve CSI and Retention.

Course Content

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